Thursday, July 19, 2012

favorite things

Our kid loves major appliances. Her only requirements are that they be loud and rumbly. I think she might end up being a Sears Repairwoman when she grows up.  In the meantime, I'm grateful to have one more thing to add to the Naptime Bag of Tricks. We just park her as close as possible to the washing machine or dishwasher and let the magic happen.

The appliance trick has become somewhat less necessary in the past week or so, however, as we have recently acquired yet another thing I said I'd never live with: a battery-powered baby swing.* Of course, Miss M loves the swing. Worse yet, she adores the horrible music it plays. I'd be fine with the creepy, repetitive "nature" sounds (I'm not sure the folks at Graco actually know what nature sounds like...) but no, the baby would please like to listen to a tinny, out-of-tune rendition of Fur Elise for the forty-millionth time.

Again, I'm more than willing to compromise if it means that the little one is happy and entertained long enough for me to do crazy things, like brush my teeth. Swings, bouncy seats, whatever it takes. On one recent evening, my man and I ate dinner. At the exact same time. It was kind of incredible.

With all the exciting machinery in the house, it's worth mentioning that M is starting to actually amuse herself for short periods of time. For better or for worse, our child has discovered toys. She can't actually play with them yet, but she is capable of smacking at colorful objects half-accidentally and then sucking on whatever she manages to wrap her little fingers around.

Luckily for this baby, Mama has been stocking up on fancy-pants, organic baby toys for years now. There are plenty of cute things to chew on and cuddle with. Until she's ready for Legos. Then Dad has her covered.**

It has come as no surprise to anyone who knows her parents that M loves books. Or, more specifically, she loves this book, which has become a permanent fixture on the changing table.*** Maybe this is some kind of precursor to reading on the toilet. If so, I sincerely hope that the hand-sucking ceases to be part of the routine...

*Thanks, H&B!!
**We have four million Legos. Seriously.
***It turns out babies really do love all that black-and-white business. I came across a set of these a few months before M came into existence. Now I'm wishing I'd added them to the collection...

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