Saturday, October 27, 2012


We were entertaining again this week.

The last time Grandpa Ohio visited, little Miss M was just a month old. Sure, she was cute and all, but, holy cow, was she tiny! And also a little boring. Her primary daytime activity was sleeping.

How quickly things change. 

For better or for worse, there was very little daytime sleeping this time around. In spite of a debilitating nap strike, M adapted very quickly to having three grownups to boss around. She and Grandpa had lots of together time, both inside and out--in spite of some cruddy Seattle weather. For some reason, though, every picture I have of the two of them seems to include our ratty red couch.

There was reading on the couch,

--with and without cats--

Skyping with Grandma,

and lot of just sitting around, being chummy.

We were all sad to say goodbye at the end of the week, except for M, who didn't realize until the next day that she was missing one of the grownups that she used to have wrapped around her little finger. Then she turned extra-clingy, trying to figure out what had happened to the sweet guy with the mustache.

Don't be too sad, though, everybody.
We're already gearing up for an exciting Ohio trip at Christmastime!

1 comment:

  1. What great pictures! Your dad looks so content; and she appears to be reading already. I told you she was smart!
