Friday, February 1, 2013

where we've been, part one

I know. I know. I didn't mean to be away for two months, I swear. It's just that things kept happening. When I would start to think about catching up, I'd feel so overwhelmed that I wouldn't know where to start. And then, I'd end up even farther behind. Which, if you know me well, you might recognize as an underlying plot theme of my adult life.

But 2013 is going to be a good year for us. One item on my long list of resolutions involves Follow Through. With that in mind, I'm determined to post in this space at least once a week.

I can't just leave a giant two-month hole, though, in our story. And so, dear reader, I'm going to dump a bunch of pictures on you, in a few installments, until we're caught up.

Which brings us to December...

First, we met this guy:

Luckily for us, Mr. Santa is an incredibly sweet and patient man. Maybe next year, M will more excited and less traumatized. Maybe.

Then we flew--on an airplane! two thousand miles!--to Ohio for Christmas. If you're wondering, the smallest member of our party turned out to be a great traveler. She made lots of friends and managed to take naps at all the right times. We traveled with a minimal amount of gear and plenty of optimism. Which was, apparently, enough to get us through to our final destination.

M met her Ohio uncles for the first time.*

She visited with her great-grandparents.*

On Christmas Eve, we dragged M to two different church services. She was a real trouper, sleeping on all the car rides and charming everyone she met in both congregations. She even humored her Mama by staying awake for the candle-lit singing of Silent Night at the end of the second service.

Unfortunately, the late-night escapades took their toll and Christmas morning itself was pretty cranky.

Crankiness didn't keep the little dear from mastering the art of opening presents, though. In fact, she was passionate enough about the process of shredding and eating wrapping paper that no one's camera was fast enough to keep up with her.

Posing for pictures with gifts didn't really work out, either. Maybe next year. Or the year after that.

After breakfast and presents, there was a nice, big Christmas Day nap.

In the evening, we had our fancy dinner. While the finishing touches were put on the meal, M played with her GreatPa while the two of them sat in her great-great-great grandfather's rocking chair.

Of course, Christmas was the main focus of our trip, but Ohio also came through with one of Daddy's holiday wishes: Snow!

As it turns out, snow is cold and wet and babies don't like being plopped down in it. Even for one second. This particular baby didn't cry, but she made it very clear that she was not impressed by the Boxing Day mini-blizzard.

In general, M had a great time, in a house full of people that Absolutely Adore her. She spent her days being held, tickled, and generally entertained. She also mastered crawling and even started pulling herself up on things! All the oohs and ahhs of encouragement probably didn't hurt.

Our trip home was surprisingly smooth. Dad went back to work the next day, and Mama found herself trying to distract a baby who'd grown accustomed to having a half-dozen people around to play with at any given time. Needless to say, there was a bit of a transition period. Then there was that whole three hour time difference...

All mutterings aside, though, I think it's safe to say that Miss M had a doozy of a First Christmas.

*And her dear Auntie Katelyn!
**And her Great-Aunt Glenna!

1 comment:

  1. Well. I think it was all pretty awesome. But I'm prejudiced... :)
