Sunday, April 14, 2013

best-laid plans

On the first Thursday of every month, admission to the Seattle Art Museum is free, which is exactly the right price for us these days. I marked the date on the calendar a few weeks ago, just so I wouldn't forget. I was eager to see this new exhibit and looking for a little inspiration. I figured if I timed things just right, M would sleep through the quiet parts of our date and be awake for all the exciting stuff. 

Silly Mama.

Of course, it was raining. This almost never changes our plans. This is Seattle. If we stayed home every time it threatened to sprinkle, M and I would never leave the house. Which would get very ugly, very fast.

We rode the bus downtown. The bus is always interesting. M tends to alternate between gazing out the window and staring intently at strangers until they smile at her, at which point, she moves on to a new victim. On this particular bus ride, she chose to stare at all of the especially creepy looking passengers.

When we got to SAM, I stuck with my plan and headed straight for the cafe. We ate the lunch that I had packed, instead of the fancy food at the restaurant next door, which bugged me a little bit and M not at all. She chowed down on peas and cheese, mostly ignoring the scenery around us.

Then, after twenty minutes in the kids' play area where M flirted with other people's grandmothers and harassed big kids into giving up their toys, it was time for M's nap. I gave her a bottle, then bundled her back into the carrier and rode the escalators up the galleries.

She did not fall asleep on the escalators.

Or in the first gallery.

Or in any of the other galleries. Eventually, she started yanking off her hood--which I'd put up to encourage sleepytime--and yelling around her bink. Shrieking, actually. And growling, which is now part of her regular vocabulary. After a few too many minutes of terrorizing the other museum patrons, I finally packed it in and we left. I forgot to look for the new exhibit on our way out.

To make myself feel better, I may have stopped for a cupcake on our walk back to the bus stop.

I may have also given the baby a few tastes of said consolation cupcake. Because it would have been rude to just eat in front of her.

It turns out she likes cupcakes.

At first it seemed like our bus ride home was going to be a repeat of the morning trip with more looking out the window and a few more staring contests with the other riders.

Until someone finally fell asleep. And took the longest nap of the week. Go figure. I think the cupcake excitement may have pushed her over the edge...

1 comment:

  1. Brave mama! well done! and little M what a cutie! hooray for cupcakes!
