Sunday, August 12, 2012

summer days

It's been a little while since I've posted here and a certain set of grandparents is itching for an update, so here's a bit of what's been going on at our house lately.

First, there was the heatwave.

Granted, compared to what the rest of the country's been going through, our two days of temperatures in the low to mid nineties probably shouldn't qualify as a "heatwave," per se. But we're used to gray and rainy around here, and Seattle babies have to make an extra effort to keep cool when the mercury rises.

We spent lots of time sitting in front of the fan and taking long, sticky naps.

There were also plenty of cool wet washcloths, which M seemed to enjoy.

Right about the time the heat broke, Miss M woke up one morning with a head cold which left her coughing and sneezing for a few days. I maintain that the wet washcloths were not to blame.

Obviously, M didn't let a little extra snot affect her over-all mood...

She stopped sniffling just in time for the excitement of minor surgery last Friday, when she visited the lovely and talented Dr. K for a--take a deep breath here--sublingual frenotomy. If you're a nerd, you can read more about ankyloglossia here. Otherwise, suffice it to say that M's tongue was too securely attached to the bottom of her mouth, which was keeping her from using her tongue the right way when she's nursing.

Other than disrupting M's nap schedule and creating an overtired monster later in the day, the quick little procedure went well. The jury's still out on her nursing efficiency, but M certainly seems to be enjoying her newly-liberated tongue.

The other big news is that M has started to laugh.

She's only done it a few times. Each time, it's surprising. And absolutely adorable.


  1. i'm not a grandma but i am glad for the update! seriously... what a cutie!!!

  2. What a smile! I'm so jealous that your sisters will be there soon to hold her!

  3. She is absolutely super adorable !

  4. Wow, laughter! How wonderful! You do have your video camera or recording device ready, right? 'Cuz I would love to see the amazing miss M laugh and laugh ... and laugh. I am smiling as I write this now, knowing how happy you must be.
