Saturday, March 9, 2013

a very good place to start

About a million years ago--or back in October, maybe--I meant to post these photos of M enjoying her first tastes of solid food. Avocado pureed with milk, delicately sipped one little mouthful at a time. It all looks so sweet and innocent now...

At the time, my partner-in-crime and I hatched this great idea to give M new foods in alphabetical order, taking pictures all along, so that, in the end, we'd have this awesome alphabet sequence and we'd make a whole book out of it and give it to her later.

We have lots of great ideas.

What happened instead was that we just started giving M lots of new things to taste, in no particular order at all. We started with purees, but moved on pretty quickly to "real" food.

What she likes: acorn squash, apple, apricot, avocado, beef, beets, blueberries, broccoli, brown rice, capers, carrots, chicken, chickpeas, chocolate*, clementines, cottage cheese, corn, cornbread, delicata squash, egg yolks, garlic, grapefruit, hummus, kalamata olives, kale, lemon, lentils, mango, oatmeal, onion, orange, parmesan, pasta, peas, pear, pineapple, polenta, pork, prunes, provolone, pumpkin, rabbit**, raisins, salmon, sardines, shrimp, spinach, sweet potato, tomato, tuna, turkey, and yogurt.

What she doesn't: bananas, cucumber, green beans, and wasabi.

We figure there's still time to change her mind. About the wasabi, at least.

Honestly, I'm looking forward to her first taste of french fry and candy corn and whipped cream, but we've got a little while before she realizes that there are more exciting things than peas and carrots. I don't have to share my cupcakes with her just yet, and that's fine by me...

*70% Cacao, so it's totally not junk food, right? Right?
**We're going to wait until she's eight to tell her, so she'll be appropriately traumatized...

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