Sunday, March 24, 2013

little hostess

Grandpa Bruce came to visit us again!

Things have definitely changed since he last saw Miss M at Christmastime. M really drilled that point home on the morning of Grandpa Bruce's arrival by learning how to climb the coffee table. You know, the one we've been using to prevent her from opening and closing the glass cabinet doors? Sigh.

After giving him a day to rest up and adjust to the time change, we took Grandpa to South Lake Union to see the new MOHAI location, which Grandpa and I thought was pretty amazing. It is not an incredibly baby-friendly museum, but M made do.

One of M's favorite things about visitors right now is having new shoes to investigate. She especially enjoys untying shoe laces.

About two days into Grandpa's visit, M came down with a serious tummy bug. Of course, this wasn't how any of us imagined spending the week, but boy howdy is our little muffin full of surprises...

As it turns out, pukey babies are frequently in need of baths. M had actually never had a bath. We'd just been dunking her in the shower every once in awhile, but what with all the grossness, it seemed like a good time to change tactics. Once she got over some initial concerns, M was all for bath time. It's now part of our regular routine. The cats are also big fans.

Being a little sicky for a few days meant that M spent some quality time hanging out with Grandpa on the couch. They checked out her new sippy cup--which M has since decided to abhor.

They Skyped with Grandma--who was at home in Ohio battling possums, snowstorms, and mice.

They talked to Grandma on the phone. Or tried to.

And they spent loads of time cuddling.

On the second-to-last day of Grandpa's visit, we actually managed to make it out of the house again and took the bus to the Children's Museum. Again, most of the museum was for bigger people, but there was an aquarium...

and squishy blocks...

And Duplos!

There was also a room full of percussion instruments, which seemed pretty perfect for Miss M. And for Grandpa, too...

The next day we rode the bus downtown to say goodbye to Grandpa at the light rail station. We were sad to see him go, and I felt bad that he'd come all this way to hang out with a sick baby and her slightly cranky parents.

When we got home, though, M made it clear that she was feeling much better by figuring out how to climb the other coffee table.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I want to hold her so much! What a nice post! Grandpa looked pretty happy, I must say...
