Thursday, August 29, 2013

august round-up

Someone forgot to tell Miss M that she's not starting school this week. She's taking it relatively well.

In other news, M no longer pees on the potty. She does, however, sit on it, fully-clothed, making the pssss sound we used to use to cue her to go. She also fills it up with alphabet blocks and pushes it around the house like a shopping cart. So we're pretty much half-way there with the whole potty training thing.

This is what superheroes look like five minutes before nap time:

Baby's first mac-n-cheese from a box. Big success. If we do our jobs right, she'll be a college freshman before she realizes that green beans aren't automatically part of the deal.

Practicing her babywearing skills:

"Helping" Mama make bread dough involves stirring a bowl of very-expired rice flour for a few minutes before deciding that it's much more entertaining to make it snow on the cats. There's no documentation of the second part. I was too busy defending the cats.

Showing off her bling:

And taking a well-deserved, albeit brief, nap after all that hard work:

1 comment:

  1. Cutest baby in the world; I know this is probably an overstatement, but still ... what a smile!
